It’s a confounding modern world we live in…a hundred years ago the idea of talking into an oblong cuboid no bigger than your hand coalesced from earths rare minerals with people thousands of miles away, with your image (and theirs) broadcast across space and  bending time, as if the conversation were happening across a coffee table…might have landed your in an insane asylum – a thousand years ago it may have got you stoned to death or burned at the stake.  Even with the alchemy of making this level of connection set aside it still nonetheless seems incredibly insane…and so, as the saying goes…along with this great power also comes great responsibility.  Therein lies the rub…we’ve adopted and adapted so easily to these new abilities that other elements of our humanity risk atrophying and withering away…so what happens when the pace of technological change outpaces our ability to adjust appropriately both culturally and socially?  The answer is evident all around us…those subtleties of life that cause us to look away and feign the very awareness that might very well save our souls…perhaps we might consider reconnecting in ways that seem a little less insane and mysterious – perhaps across a coffee table.


Lawrence Lewis

“All is connected… no one thing can change by itself.”Paul Hawken

About Lawrence Lewis

I do a number of things professionally...but most of all and the true purpose of what I do through "my work" is to provide for my family, be a good husband and great father, and try to make a difference as a world citizen...I guess it's not much more complicated than that 🙂