Tannis…thank you for a wonderful marriage.  On this, our 13th anniversary of marriage and 18th year of companionship, friendship and love…I want you to know that you remain the most beautiful and stunning woman to me in so many ways.  I feel incredibly blessed and fortunate to have you as my wife and friend…to be your husband and companion, and to witness you be the most loving and nurturing mother to our children.  We have both celebrated and struggled, laughed and cried, and always with intent and devotion to each other emerged better, stronger and happier…and while I am still perplexed by the fact that of all the men you could of married and loved, you chose me – I am nonetheless truly grateful.  It’s impossible for me to convey adequately the depth of my love and devotion to you on this important day…but know this my beautiful bride: not a day goes by that I am not thankful you are my wife, that I have appreciated your strength, support and love…and that I love you more today than I ever have – xo.

Photo by Kate Xue Ji Lewis (2012)

Lawrence Lewis

“Well married a person has wings, poorly married shackles.” – Henry Ward Beecher

About Lawrence Lewis

I do a number of things professionally...but most of all and the true purpose of what I do through "my work" is to provide for my family, be a good husband and great father, and try to make a difference as a world citizen...I guess it's not much more complicated than that 🙂