71% of Members Never Hear from Chief & Council

How is your Chief & Council doing?  We did a quick survey and the results are very interesting – but we sure would like your input too!  It would seem that 71% of Members never hear from their Chief & Council…is that consistent with your experience?  Interestingly, it would also seem that Better Governance & Leadership (56%) is the highest priority and zero percent (0%) see their Leaderships role as stewards and protectors of the environment – What Do You Think?  Complete the quick survey in this post…results will be shared next week.



What are your thoughts? We would love to hear from you. Complete the survey in this post and stay tuned for results next week!


At OneFeather we believe that Nation Building is about transformative change that can only occur when Leadership and Members are able to align their vision for the future. We invite you to use our services and technologies to engage your Members in more useful and powerful ways…including over 20 years’ experience delivering elections, referendums and ratification votes. We exist to help Chief & Council build a great First Nation!

Let us demonstrate our solutions…we would love to visit your community.

Visit www.onefeather.ca or contact Lawrence Lewis directly at (250) 889-1582.
