Kate and Alex – I have been quiet here for a bit now…but think I have a couple things still to offer…and in keeping with my original focus, will take some time over the next few months to add some words of guidance and fatherly advice (for what it may or may not be worth).  I am going to frame these posts in the contexts of the complexity of life…try to give some perspective of my now 45 years…share what makes sense to me as we hurtle through space on this bright blue ball across infinite space and time.  For me therein lies the paradox (and even the comical futility) of what I propose to do…it’s not lost on me that what I may have to offer really has no basis of authority or truth against the backdrop of an existence that none of us can truly fathom…we are though, as human beings, often to desperate to assign purpose to something of biblical proportions and afraid of reason as if it were some horrible demon hell-bent on tearing our very souls away from us.  It would be my hope that the posts within this category “Your Magical Life” will cause you to pause and consider the complexity of the universe in which you exist…perhaps settle and calm the anxiety and chaos it can so often levy…and find your own path filled with extraordinary purpose and unapologetic passion.  At the very least I trust it will give you a good chuckle at how crazy your Dad was – or is!  I love you both, xoxo.


Your Loving Father

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.” – Albert Einstein

About Lawrence Lewis

I do a number of things professionally...but most of all and the true purpose of what I do through "my work" is to provide for my family, be a good husband and great father, and try to make a difference as a world citizen...I guess it's not much more complicated than that 🙂