Each of us has a story to tell…and if you frame it and caption it just right…it can indeed be a fantastic story! That age old adage reflects on the importance of finding some meaning and purpose along the journey of life…it speaks I think to the fact that every step along the path matters because it leads us toward something new, and just as importantly away from something else…ubiquitous and essential to defining (and redefining as the case may be) our lives in the space of each moment – and only for that moment because the next step changes everything again.  Our stories are about that journey…not defined in each step though…they are the meaning of our personal discovery and awareness along the way – the sum of all those steps in that moment of storytelling!  So tell your story…I bet you it’s fantastic and inspiring…and I guarantee it’s worth sharing.

STEP“Laurie Schuerbeke (STEP Colleague and Friend) & Me”

Lawrence Lewis
“Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.”
– Hannah Arendt

About Lawrence Lewis

I do a number of things professionally...but most of all and the true purpose of what I do through "my work" is to provide for my family, be a good husband and great father, and try to make a difference as a world citizen...I guess it's not much more complicated than that 🙂