I look in the mirror and tell myself…”When you are ready come and get it”…this is no time to be shy and pretend it’s not all waiting right there for me.  And it’s not that I falter…but I do hesitate, if only for a moment, to let the weight of it all sink in…and then I act with the urgency of addiction – overwhelming impatience as if nothing will satiate me.  It’s the kind of moment that you can’t take back…and the thing about those kind of moments is that there is no point in regret, exactly because they cannot be undone…this is where liberation rests, and I fall deeper in to it because it feels so good and blissful.  Then in the midst of it…the sobering realization that it’s going to take work – hard work – to find all the promises staring back at me…and then that moment overtakes me again exactly because of this realisation and I fall deeper.

Jan 2_2014
Lawrence Lewis
“I believe that opportunity looks a lot like hard work.” – Ashton Kutcher

About Lawrence Lewis

I do a number of things professionally...but most of all and the true purpose of what I do through "my work" is to provide for my family, be a good husband and great father, and try to make a difference as a world citizen...I guess it's not much more complicated than that 🙂