The philosophy of Cicero explains that our existence is one of constant rebirth…this is not a simple metaphor for just a convenient fresh start when needed.  It’s about a cosmological constant that sees the universe restart…a cyclical expansion and then contraction – ending and beginning in the same instance with what modern science calls the Big Bang.  Nietzsche had similar views about this ‘eternal recurrence’…but what I find most curious about these theories is that in my view time has no beginning or end – only the ‘now’ – and therefore has to be constantly expanding…which puts me at odds with these great philosophers, some modern theorists, and a whole bunch of religious folks, lol. So what? Where am I going with this narrative?  Ultimately Kate and Alex it’s about coming to terms with where it all began – where we started…how we popped in to existence…and what impact that has on today in consideration of tomorrow (and beyond). Because in order to make sense of the world now – in this instance of time – you need to come to terms with where we came from…finding this understanding will help sheave away all the nonsense and ludicrous notions and influences bombarding your common and intellectual senses every day, and let fall away the much more abundant unimportant things that left unfettered would surely overwhelm your precious life and existence…leaving space and time to enjoy with passion and purpose what brief time you may have in the unfolding history of this universe.  There is a reality to this life – your life and purpose…and whether conceived in a singularity or deity’s plan…how you measure this existence will be a function of your perception of time and your place in it.


Your Loving Father

“I see nothing in space as promising as the view from a Ferris wheel.” – E. B. White

About Lawrence Lewis

I do a number of things professionally...but most of all and the true purpose of what I do through "my work" is to provide for my family, be a good husband and great father, and try to make a difference as a world citizen...I guess it's not much more complicated than that 🙂