Ben…she thought, he will be looking for me.“Ana is my sister” Siobhán revealed.

“I figured as much” Louie said. “What’s your name?”

“Siobhán…” she answered. “How many people know I am here?”

“I suspect by now” he chuckled, “…everyone in the village.”

Siobhán winced.

“Why?” He asked a little confused by her reaction to this news. “Is there someone I can call to let them know you are okay? I am sure someone is out there looking for you.”

“Yes…of that you can be sure.”

She tried to stand and then though better of it.

“You need some food…and water” Louie offered, stood and then moved toward the door stopping inside the open frame.  “You are not telling me something Siobhán, and in not telling me you are putting me and my people at risk…of this I am sure.  The old woman who came here…my aunties who looked after you, are very powerful medicine women…they tell me that you are very dangerous…because you too are a very powerful medicine women.”

He paused and looked directly at Siobhán for the first time.

Siobhán offered a faint and reluctant smile.

“If I told you the truth you wouldn’t believe me.”

“We’ll see…” he said leaving the room.

Lawrence Lewis

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”William Shakespeare

About Lawrence Lewis

I do a number of things professionally...but most of all and the true purpose of what I do through "my work" is to provide for my family, be a good husband and great father, and try to make a difference as a world citizen...I guess it's not much more complicated than that 🙂